About Us

Hey Fabulous Boho Besties!

Have you ever wondered about the story behind Ivy & Lavy Boutique? Well, let me share a little secret – it's a wonderfully quirky tale! I'm Genoa, and no, I wasn't named after Italian salami or the city itself (though that would be a rather amusing conversation starter). In 2022, I embarked on this exhilarating journey as a side hustle on good ol' eBay. Little did I know, it would blossom into something so incredible that I bid farewell to my retail management gig and dove headfirst into the enchanting world of Ivy & Lavy Boutique. Life handed me lemons, and guess what? I whipped up some downright delicious lemonade!

Now, a little about yours truly – I'm all about those funky and boho vibes. Red is my absolute jam, and I shamelessly confess to a coffee addiction. Oh, and give me any excuse to sip on margaritas, and you'll find me there! Don't even get me started on romance novels; they're my delightful guilty pleasure. And after the kids are finally tucked into bed (phew!), you'll find me unwinding with a luxurious bubble bath and a soothing facemask. Talk about pure bliss!

Speaking of family, I've been happily married to my incredible hubby, Adam, for five fantastic years. Together, we're raising two spirited little ladies – they're a handful, but we cherish every moment of the chaos. To top it all off, we've got three furry friends and two scaly reptiles that turn our home into a lively zoo!

Now, let's dive back into the roots of our Boutique – the name! You see, our boutique is a delightful fusion of our two precious daughters' names: Ivaleena and Lavender. Mix them together, and voilà! Ivy & Lavy Boutique was born. Sorry, Adam, no offense, but the name simply had to shimmer with our daughters' magic.

Our mission here at Ivy & Lavy is to make you feel like the stunning person you truly are. We're all about empowering women in their everyday lives and helping you embrace your unique beauty. Whether you're conquering the day, week, or simply taking it one hour at a time – we've got your back!

When this journey began, I thought, why not curate all the things I'd love to have in my closet and share the rest with you lovely folks? Sounds like a dream, right? And trust me, I'm not obsessed with clothes; I'm just fervent about helping you all look and feel fabulous!

After a year of rocking it on eBay, we decided to up the ante and take our boutique to the next level. Brace yourselves – our first pop-up boutique is launching in March! How exhilarating, right?

Thank you for joining me on this whimsical journey and getting to know a bit about my story. And of course, a massive shoutout to all you wonderful souls who stopped by! If you enjoyed this delightful read (like I did writing it), subscribe to our emails for a dose of fun stories, helpful how-tos, and tantalizing info about SALES – Yay, discounts!

We can't wait to see you soon, strutting your stuff in Ivy & Lavy goodies like the fashion stars you are!

XOXO from Genoa and the Ivy & Lavy Boutique Fam